Perfect tutoring for every budget

Benefit from the largest selection of tutors in Switzerland.

4.9 2926 reviews

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How it works

Create a job offer
Sign up for free and describe what kind of tutoring lessons you need.
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Get in touch
Within a few minutes, suitable tutors will contact you. For a small one-time fee, you can reply to them and send unlimited messages.
Our conditions
Choose a tutor
Choose the perfect tutor for yourself or your child, and you can begin tutoring lessons immediately.
How does Tutor24 work?

Tutoring for every subject

Be it regular maths tutoring, homework assistance in English or help with exam prep: thousands of tutors are waiting to share their knowledge and help you or your child improve.

Personal, individual
tutoring in your area

No. 1

Tutoring platform in Switzerland

Since 2008

Thousands of tutors have been connected


Experienced tutors


Students and parents

More than 30.900 qualified private tutors

At Tutor24, many experienced, professional tutors are waiting to share their knowledge and help you or your child improve.

Detailed tutor profiles including photos, references and CVs
Ratings and reviews from other students and parents
Secure messaging function for establishing initial contact within the platform
Find a tutor
More than 130,000 qualified tutors

Tutors in all of Switzerland

Basel Bern Geneva Lausanne Lucerne St. Gallen Winterthur Zug Zurich

Experiences with Tutor24

What we offer

Leading Swiss tutoring platform since 2008
Largest selection of qualified tutors in Switzerland
Receive initial applications within minutes
Individual tutoring for any age and any subject, at home or online
One-off usage fee, no subscription
Reliable customer service
Find a tutor

More information

How does Tutor24 work?

How much do tutoring lessons cost?

What makes Tutor24 special?

How do we ensure safety on Tutor24?

This is why we are the leading platform for tutoring in Switzerland

current tutoring jobs
Since 2008, we have connected thousands of students with their ideal teacher.
Tutoring students and parents rate their tutors with an average of 5/5 stars.
On our other platforms, we bring together households and families with domestic helpers, loving child minders, tutors, and caregivers for the elderly.
Every 10th resident of Switzerland has an account on one of our platforms.

More services

We also facilitate finding everyday helpers in these areas: