Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for Deutsch lessons. I need private lessons. Ideally lessons would be given online. Please reach out if you are interested.
Looking for German tutor for my kids. Focus on grammar and creative writing.
Hi, I am looking for a German language tutor for myself and wife at our home in Liestal. We relocated from the uk in January this year and require tutoring lessons on German basics. We are looking at 2 x 2 hour sessions per week. Thanks
Tutoring for secondary school student needed
4402 Frenkendorf Baselland At student's or At tutor's 17 yearsOur son will be starting secondary school next year August and in preparation we would like to find a tutor for him to support him when he starts. We are non-German speaking and therefore are limited in the support we can provide him going forward. W…
Liebe Dominique Wir suchen für unsere Tochter eine Nachhilfelehrerin für das Fach Französisch. Sie ist eine sehr motiviertes tolles Mädchen. Leider hat sie keine so gute Beziehung zu ihrer französisch Lehrerin und tut sich deshalb schwer mit der Spr…
Hallo an alle Nachhilfelehrer, Ich suche jemanden, der mir deutsch Lektionen geben kann. Ich würde individuelle Lektionen bevorzugen. Der Nachhilfelehrer sollte bei mir unterrichten. Ich freue mich auf Deine Nachricht.
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Financial Controlling lessons. I would prefer individual lessons. Lessons should be given online. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Looking for a private Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft / Rechnungswesen teacher in Kaiseraugst
4303 Kaiseraugst online 18 yearsHello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft / Rechnungswesen lessons. I need private lessons. Ideally lessons would be given online. Please reach out if you are interested.
Wirtschaft, physick, biologie private tutor needed in Liestal
4410 Liestal At student's or online 17 yearsHello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for Wirtschaft, physick, biologie lessons. I need private lessons. The ideal tutor would come to the my home to give lessons or give them online. Please reach out if you are interested.
Dear tutors, I need lessons on: Mathematics, German . I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for German lessons for my 8 year old daughter. Please reach out if you are interested.
Are you a Mathematik private teacher? I need you. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Dear tutors, I need lessons on: Informatik. I would prefer individual lessons. I have no preferences regarding the place where the lessons are given. (at tutor's or at student's place). I will be very happy to hear from you.
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give English lessons. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Group Maths and Piano tutoring needed in Buckten
4446 Buckten At student's, At tutor's or online 19 yearsDear tutors, I need lessons on: Maths and Piano. I have no preferences regarding group or individual lessons. The place where the lessons should be given is not decisive. I'm open to different options. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Hello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Matematica. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. I'm looking forward to receive your message. Zur Verständigung wird die italienische Sprache bevorzu…
Looking for individual German tutoring in Liestal
4110 Liestal At student's, At tutor's or online 41 yearsHello there, I'm a Engineer who is looking for a tutor for German lessons. I need private lessons. At student's, at tutor's place, online, wherever... all the option are possible for now and for foreseeable future. Please reach out if you are interes…
Private Nachhilfe in Mathematik und Deutsch tutoring needed in Bubendorf
4416 Bubendorf At student's 11 yearsHello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Nachhilfe in Mathematik und Deutsch. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Dear tutors, I need lessons on: Deutsch. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should provide a place where I would go and take the lessons. I will be very happy to hear from you. Preferably close to Rheinfelden Bahnhof.
Looking for individual German tutoring in Rheinfelden
4310 Rheinfelden At student's, At tutor's or online 11 yearsDear tutors, I need lessons on: German. I would prefer individual lessons. The place where the lessons should be given is not decisive. I'm open to different options. I will be very happy to hear from you.