Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Math , German , French lessons. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Natur technik math französisch in-group tutor needed in Murten
3280 Murten At student's or online 13 yearsDear tutors, I need lessons on: Natur technik math französisch . I have no preferences regarding group or individual lessons. Lessons can be given online or at my place. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Are you a Français private teacher? I need you. I'm fine with private or in-group lessons. Both options, at tutor's or at student's place are fine for me. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Math lessons. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Bonjour, Pour notre fille Eléonore (3eme harmos), nous cherchons une personne pour du soutien en français et math à notre domicile. Environ 3 heures par semaine, de 17:00 a 18:00. Nous souhaitons si possible une jeune fille habitant la région de Sai…
Private german, french tutoring needed in Sugiez, Murten, Ins region
1786 Sugiez At student's, At tutor's or online 59 yearsséance hebdomadaire x 10, 30 min FR plus 30 min DE, mon niveau FR est B1/B2, DE est A1, ma langue maternelle est anglais. Il n'est pas obligatoire parler les deux langues chaque seance, j'accepte un offre pour les deux ensemble ou individuellement. E…
Are you a French private teacher? I need you. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. I'm looking forward to receive your message.