Liebe Tutoren Ich möchte mich besser auf die nächsten Prüfungen vorbereiten. Ich besuche zurzeit die erste Kanti (Aargau). Bitte kontaktiert mich bei Interesse. Danke und liebe Grüsse Lia
Hallo zusammen, ich bin die Mutter Regina und suche NachhilfelehrerIn für Mathe für Julia 12 - SekA 1. Klasse und Deutsch für Alexander 9 - Primaschule 4. Klasse. Ich brauche Privatunterrichte um die Noten zu verbessern und bei Alexander geht’s um W…
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can support Biologie at Gymnasium second grade Langzeitgymi. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contac…
C1 TOFEL TEST!: Hello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Englisch . I'm fine with private or in-group lessons. The ideal tutor would come to the my home to give lessons or give them online. I'm looking forward to receive your message. …
Hello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Mathematics. I need private lessons. Ideally lessons would be given online but i am also okay to meet up somewhere. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for Deutsch/ Mathematik lessons. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. Please reach out if you are interested.
Private Deutsch, Mathe, Englisch tutoring needed in Wettswil am Albis
8907 Wettswil am Albis At student's 11 yearsHello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Deutsch, Mathe, Englisch lessons. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for Biology lessons, in order to pass the GCSE. We are a small group of motivated four girls. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. Please reach out if you are interested.
Hello teachers, I need some support with School Mathematics and German for grade 6. I need private lessons. The ideal tutor would come to the my home to give lessons or give them online and has experience already teaching 6th grade kids . I'm loo…
Hello, I'm looking to learn to speak Swiss German preferably Berndeutsch. I need private lessons online an hour per week. I'm looking forward to receive your message. Thank you, Wendy
I need some support with German for my 6 year old boy who just started the first year in primary school. German is his second language, and I would like him to improve on his grammar and vocabulary, and start to read and write basic texts. I’m lookin…
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Mathematics lessons to our son. He is starting 5th grade & we want to ensure that he learns mathematics well & has grades that would qualify him for Gymnasium. I would prefer individual lesso…
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give German lessons to my two boys (8 and 10yo). We have just moved from London and they have started local school in German. They speak English and Italian and just started with the German. I wou…
Looking for a private Matematik teacher in Dietikon
8953 Dietikon At student's or At tutor's 12 yearsHello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Matematik. I need private lessons. Both options, at tutor's or at student's place are fine for me. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for Mathematics lessons. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. Please reach out if you are interested.
Dear tutors, I need lessons on: Physics. I would prefer individual lessons. Lessons should be given online. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Experienced tutor wanted for Gymi prep ( Mathematics and German)
8952 Schlieren At student's 9 yearsWe are seeking an experienced Mathematics and German tutor for our child in 4th Klasse. We would appreciate someone who is well acquainted with the current school curriculum and effective learning techniques for Gymi prep.
Dear tutors, I need lessons on: Mathematics. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should provide a place where I would go and take the lessons. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Individual (or group) German tutoring needed in Obfelden
8912 Obfelden At student's or online 8 yearsAre you a German private teacher (Hochdeutsch)? I need you. I have no preferences regarding group or individual lessons. Lessons can be given online or at my place. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Biology in-group tutor needed near Adliswil
8134 Adliswil At student's, At tutor's or online 15 yearsHello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Biology lessons. I have no preferences regarding group or individual lessons. The place where the lessons should be given is not decisive. I'm open to different options. Are you the ideal tea…