Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for German lessons. I need private lessons. Both options, at tutor's or at student's place are fine for me but it has to be in Frick or close by. Not interested in others locations. I also looking for some eco…
Dear tutors, I need lessons on: German. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. I will be very happy to hear from you.
English private tutor needed in Schinznach Bad
5116 Schinznach Bad At student's or At tutor's 47 yearsDear tutors, I need lessons on: English. I would prefer individual lessons. I have no preferences regarding the place where the lessons are given. (at tutor's or at student's place). I will be very happy to hear from you. I should get some lessons…
Hello private lesson teachers, I need some support with German basic. I need private lessons. Lessons should be rather given at the tutor's place. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Looking for individual German tutoring in Aarau
5000 Aarau At student's, At tutor's or online 37 yearsAre you a German private teacher? I need you. I need private lessons. At student's, at tutor's, online... all the option are possible for now. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Help is specifically needed to improve writing in German for school.
Looking for a private Französisch teacher in Eiken
5074 Eiken At student's, At tutor's or online 16 yearsHello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Französisch. I need private lessons. At student's, at tutor's, online... all the option are possible for now. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Hi, I'm writing this on behalf of my son. He just took the ICT-Multicheck and scored very poorly in German and long-term concentration. In some areas he scored above average, particularly logic. He has above-average intelligence, but makes very s…
Private Mathermatics and german tutoring needed in Aarau
5000 Aarau At student's, At tutor's or online 11 yearsDear tutors, I need lessons on: Mathematics and german. I would prefer individual lessons. The place where the lessons should be given is not decisive. I'm open to different options. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Dear tutors, I need lessons on: German. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should provide a place where I would go and take the lessons. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give RW und Franz lessons. I would prefer individual lessons. I have no preferences regarding the place where the lessons are given. (at tutor's or at student's place). Are you the ideal teacher?…
Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Italian lessons. I have no preferences regarding group or individual lessons. The place where the lessons should be given is not decisive. I'm open to different options. Don't hesitate to co…
Hello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Math. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. I'm looking forward to receive your message.
Looking for a private German teacher in Zeihen or nearby.
5079 Zeihen At student's or At tutor's 9 yearsHello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give German lessons for my 7 years old daughter. We moved to Switzerland from the UK in November 2022. We would prefer individual intensive lessons. I have no preferences regarding the place where…
Private Franzözisch Anfängerin tutoring needed in Oeschgen
5072 Oeschgen At tutor's or online 39 yearsDear tutors, I need lessons on: Franzözisch Anfängerin . I would prefer individual lessons. I'm fine with getting online lessons or getting lessons at the teacher's place. I will be very happy to hear from you.
Are you a R private teacher? I need you. I need private lessons. Ideally lessons would be given online. I'm looking forward to receive your message. I need help Thursday, Fri, or Sat/Sun. I speak fluent German.