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CHF 25 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics, English, Biology, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Bricolage, French

Tutoring Success: Yes, I have experience and success in tutoring. I've helped students grasp difficult concepts and improve their understanding and grades in various subjects. Subjects Expertise:…


Serious Moonlight Consulting

CHF 25 / hour
Subjects: English

I am a native English speaker living in Neuchatel and would like to offer my services as a private English tutor. I am a positive and understanding person that will always look deeper than a mistake …



CHF 45 / hour
Subjects: French, Swimming

- Bilinguale Gymnasiale Matura (Französisch - Deutsch) Französisch-Maturzeugnis Note: 5.5 - Einzelne Nachhilfelektionen gegeben - Französisch-Muttersprache - Leistungsschwimmer (SM-Niveau) -> für S…


Osborne English

CHF 60 / hour
Subjects: English, French

Bi-national American/Swiss, I have been living in the Swiss romande since 1992. I have taught all levels, in person, small groups, individuals, etc. Exam prep, conversation, business and technical Eng…

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Looking for a private French tutor nearby? On Tutor 24, you will find a large selection of language tutors with qualified French teaching experience. Whether you are looking for help with the school homework, general exams preparation (primary school, secondary school, Realschule, Sekprüfung, Gymivorbereitung, Gymnasium, Gymprüfung, LAP, KV, BMS, Berufsmittelschule, Aufnahmeprüfungen, ETH, university) or for some special subjects tutoring, Tutor24 will help you find the right teaching for you. This in all cantons of Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Fribourg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Ticino, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Genève, and Jura) or in any of its main cities (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Berne, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Liestal, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sion, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug und Zurich).