English tutoring needed in Thierachern? Find one today

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CHF 40 / hour
Subjects: English & Theatre

Traditional boring lessons are not your style? Not to worry :) I am a native English speaker specialising in personalised lessons. Whether you're working on grammar, writing, conversation, or prepar…



CHF 80 + / hour
Subjects: German and English

Do you share the love of languages? I can support you in enhancing your language skills in English as well as German. Whether as a secondary school student, apprentice or if you are already working…



CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Spanish, English, German (bis B2)

Hallo, das ist Sofia aus Spanien. Ich wohne in der Schweiz seit 2019. Ich habe ein Studium in Übersetzung in Barcelona beschlossen (Englisch Advanced, Deutsch C1-C2 und Französich A2). Ich unterrichte…


The Weaver of Stories by D. Condor

CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: English, Literature

Hi! My name is Daria and I speak 5 languages with varying degrees of fluency. I've learned English as a second language and I've been speaking it as well as any native speaker since I was in high-sch…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: Englisch

Hallo! Möchten Sie Ihre Englischkenntnisse verbessern? Suchen Sie nicht weiter! Mein Name ist Anna und ich bin eine englische Muttersprachlerin aus Irland. Mit einem Hintergrund als Anwalt, gepaart m…



CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Cooking, English

Hello Future Cooks and Chefs! I offer Cooking Lessons for all levels. Ranging from basics to weird stuff like molecular cuisine. I will teach you at what speed you need, with patience and room for err…



CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics, English, Science

I am a Primary school teacher from Australia who has worked in different countries with different national curriculum including Australian and the British. I have experience in early years education a…



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: English, Russian

I am a qualified English teacher with 12 years of experience. My students recommend me to their family and friends, which says something about my skills, doesn’t it? I look forward to having enjoyab…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: Mathematik, Biologie, Chemie, Deutsch, English, Physik

Als Biologie Student und mit abgeschlossenem Bachelor of Science habe ich bereits Erfahrung in Mathematik-, Chemie- und Biologie-Nachhilfe gesammelt (auf Gymer und Sek I -Niveau) Ich bin motiviert di…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: Marketing, Digital Marketing, Spanish, English

Marketing is what I like the most, and I love to share the knowledge and experience with others. Basic concepts, new tools and technologies and getting the know-how for applying them is what we wi…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: English

I am 28, graduated English teacher. I have a short experience with Tutoring because I was professional handball player. I moved in Thun in January and now beside the handball I need a job too. I am po…



Subjects: Spanish

Hi! I’m from Spain, I speak Spanish, English and Basque, a bit of italian and a bit of german. I gave some Spanish lessons to some British people couple years ago. I am native, I like Spanish a lo…



CHF 40 / hour
Subjects: Maths, Economics, English, Science

Economics and Maths University Student in the first year at the University of Bern. Looking to help any primary or secondary students in my free time. I am a native English speaker but am also fluent …



CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Englisch, IKA, WuG

Hallo! Ich bin eine engagierte Schülerin an der Wirtschaftsschule Thun und absolviere ab August 2024 die Berufsmatur Wirtschaft zweisprachig auf Englisch. Zusätzlich habe ich das CAE (Certificate in A…



CHF 10 / hour
Subjects: English, französisch, Deutsch, math

Ich habe bereits jüngeren Freunden Nachhilfe in Mathematik gegeben. In den Fächer Französisch, Deutsch und English bin ich besonders gut ich lerne schnell neue Sprachen.



CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Englisch, Deutsch

Hello, my name is Ana and I am 23. I am currently working part-time as a nanny and since I work very irregular hours I have plenty of time to give lessons in english or german. I live in Seftigen and …



CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Wirtschaft, Rechnungswesen, English,

Ich habe eine KV-Ausbildung und die Berufsmaturität gemacht. Zudem befinde ich mich momentan im BWL Studium an einer Fachhochschule. Gerne möchte ich nun mein wissen in diesem Bereich weitergeben un…



CHF 15 / hour
Subjects: Deutsch, English, Mathematik, W&G

Ich habe die Grundschule bis zur 9. Klasse abgeschlossen und nach dem 10. Schuljahr und einem Jahr Berufserfahrung absolviere ich momentan die schulische Ausbildung zum Kaufmann EFZ. Da mir mein Stund…



CHF 40 / hour
Subjects: English, Mathematics, Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Neuroscience)

English: I am a dual Swiss-US national, now in my second year of a Specialized masters Program in Epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. I received my Bachelor in Neuroscience…



Subjects: English, Mathematics, Programming, Game Design etc.

Hello, I'm Anu, and I'm excited to be your tutor. I hold a bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering and a master's in digital neuroscience, blending technical expertise with a deep unders…

English tutoring needed in Thierachern? Find one today

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Looking for a private English tutor nearby? On Tutor 24, you will find a large selection of language tutors with qualified English teaching experience. Whether you are looking for help with the school homework, general exams preparation (primary school, secondary school, Realschule, Sekprüfung, Gymivorbereitung, Gymnasium, Gymprüfung, LAP, KV, BMS, Berufsmittelschule, Aufnahmeprüfungen, ETH, university) or for some special subjects tutoring, Tutor24 will help you find the right teaching for you. This in all cantons of Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Fribourg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Ticino, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Genève, and Jura) or in any of its main cities (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Berne, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Liestal, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sion, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug und Zurich).