How do I quickly find suitable jobs on Tutor24?

Are you a tutor? Would you like to know how to find suitable jobs quickly and easily? On Tutor24 you'll find the largest selection of tutoring jobs in Switzerland. Read on to learn how to find a tutoring job on our platform as quickly as possible.

Create your free profile


Your first step towards a tutoring job is your personal profile. You can create it on Tutor24 in just a few minutes. In order to quickly find a suitable tutoring job, fill out your profile as accurately and completely as possible. State your qualifications, experience and availability and add your certificates and references.

NB: include a profile photo

Tutor profiles that include a photo are viewed more frequently than those without one. So be sure to upload a nice profile picture. Because a photo makes your personal profile appear more trustworthy to parents and students. This increases your chances of being contacted more often and finding a job more quickly.


Keep in mind

Young people must be at least 15 years old to create a tutor profile on Tutor24.

Be the first to hear about new job offers


You have the best chance of securing a tutoring job if your application is one of the first. So we will send you e-mail notifications of suitable new tutoring job offers as soon as you have created your profile. If you do not wish to receive notifications, you can disable this function in your settings at any time.

Find suitable tutoring jobs


Thanks to the search and filter function on Tutor24, you will find a suitable tutoring job even more quickly. Save interesting job offers in your favourites list and apply for your desired job, adding a personal message for the student or their parents.

More job offers with a verified profile


Inspire greater confidence among students by having your profile verified free of charge. It only takes a few minutes and all you need is your smartphone and a form of ID. Once you have successfully verified your identity, your tutor profile will be marked as 'verified'.

Greater visibility with a premium membership


Premium membership allows your profile to be displayed higher up in search results, making it more visible. You can also see who has visited your profile and reach out to potential students or their parents directly with a friendly message. Premium membership is available for a small monthly fee and includes a satisfaction guarantee.

Learn more about premium membership


Arrange an interview and clarify the details



If you do not receive a response to your application, it may be that the person you have contacted is not yet a premium member and therefore cannot reply. Or the job offer has not yet been deactivated although the tutoring vacancy has already been filled. An accurate, complete profile will increase your chances of receiving a rapid response.

Making arrangements


Congratulations on your new tutoring job! The final step is to discuss the arrangements with your student or their parents. It is best to record your agreement in writing, for example your hourly rate, working hours and what type of tutoring you offer.

Your first step towards a tutoring job

Sign up to Tutor24 now and find your dream tutoring job in your area or online as quickly as possible!