How much can I earn with Tutor24?

Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge and are you empathetic and patient? Providing tutoring is a task that comes with responsibility and that must be fairly paid. Read on to find out how much you can earn from tutoring.

Earn an average of CHF 36.80 per hour

Earn an average per hour

The amount you can charge for your hourly rate depends on your qualifications and experience, as well as the region in which you work. Tutors at Tutor24 earn an average of CHF 36.80 per hour from tutoring.

Determine your own hourly rate

You determine your own hourly wage

Tutor24 provides you with flexibility. This also applies to your hourly rate. Because you determine this yourself. Are you unsure how much to charge for your hourly rate? Then refer to the hourly rates of other tutors in your area.

If you are unsure what your hourly rate should be, you can refer to the profiles of other tutors in your area on Tutor24.

0% referral fee

Zero referral fee

Tutor24 stands for fair terms and transparent conditions. That’s why you receive your hourly wage directly from your student or their parents without paying any referral fees or commission to us.

Online tutoring delivers success

Online tutoring

Reduce the time spent travelling to your students and offer online tutoring at Tutor24. This gives you more flexibility and allows you to deliver more lessons per week.

Offer tutoring lessons now

Help students improve their grades. Sign up now free of charge at Tutor24 and offer personal tutoring.