Find tutoring jobs quickly and easily

No. 1 platform for tutoring in Switzerland
Easy to start: create a free profile in 5 minutes
No agency fees

How it works

Create a profile free of charge

Create a profile free of charge and describe what kind of tutoring lessons you want to give.

Find jobs

We’ll notify you of suitable jobs; you apply for them.

Work flexibly

You decide who you teach, when you work and how much you want to earn.

Provide tutoring in your subject

Whether it’s maths, English or French tutoring – at Tutor24 you will find pupils for every subject and from every age group.

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No. 1
Tutoring platform in Switzerland
Since 2008
Thousands of tutors have been connected
Experienced tutors
Students and parents

Why Tutor24?

Learn more about us

Are you an expert in your subject? Do you want to share your knowledge and help other people improve? Then Tutor24 is the right place for you.

Find suitable tutoring jobs quickly and easily
Notifications for new jobs in your area
Direct payment with no commission fee
Earn from CHF 20 per hour
Work flexibly, face-to-face or online

Individual tutoring

With Tutor24, you can decide for yourself how you give tutoring. Adapt the subject matter and teaching methods to the individual needs of the students so that they feel comfortable and can learn well.

You decide who you teach
You decide whether you want to tutor on site or online
You create a positive learning environment

Work independently

Salary slider

Determine your wage yourself

Based on your level of experience and qualifications, you determine your wage yourself.

Availability table UI element

Fill your availbable time with matching jobs

We notify you about fitting jobs in your area, so you can use your time more efficiently.

Job list

You decide which jobs you want to take on

Which jobs you take on is entirely your decision. You choose for yourself who you want to teach.

Build up additional income

You decide how much to charge per hour
Tutors earn an average of CHF 36.80 per hour with Tutor24
You do not pay any commission
You use Tutor24 for free

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