Job étudiant: Chercher et trouver à Maroggia

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Nous avons trouvé 43 offres d'emploi pour vous.

German tutor needed in Lugano

Dear tutors, I need lessons on: German. I have no preferences regarding group or individual lessons. The place where the lessons should be given is not decisive. I'm open to different options. I will be very happy to hear from you.

Looking for a private Mathematics teacher in Agra

Are you a Mathematics private teacher? I need you. I would prefer individual lessons. Lessons should be given online. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contact me.

Cherche soutien individuel en Matematica, Francese, italiano à Ticino

Vous êtes prof de soutien en Matematica, Francese, italiano ? J'aurais besoin de votre aide. J'ai besoin de cours particuliers. Je préfère que les cours se déroulent chez moi. Je me réjouis de recevoir votre message.

Looking for individual German tutoring in Mendrisio

Dear tutors, I am looking for a private tutor for my 6 year old daughter to learn German at our flat in Mendrisio. She already speaks 3 other languages. I am looking for 2 hours of interactive play and learn times between 12:30 to 3pm Wednesday after…

Suche Mathematic Nachhilfelehrer in Lugano/Online

Good Morning Clémence, I am contacting you as I think your profile is interesting in order to support our daughter who has just started her Liceo in Lugano. She was born in Vaud and thus French speaking (at home we speak Dutch) and we moved to Tess…

Italian private tutor needed in Lugano

Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give Italian lessons. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contact me.

Privatunterricht in Mathematik gesucht in Stabio

Hallo, ich suche einen Nachhilfelehrer für Mathematik. Ich suche Privatstunden. Es wäre besser, wenn die Lektionen bei mir statt finden. Ich freue mich, von Dir zu hören.

Italian language private tutor needed in Lugano

Are you a Italian language private teacher? I need you. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. I'm looking forward to receive your message.

Looking for individual Italian tutoring in Barbengo (Lugano)

Hello, I need some support with Italian for my son Platon. I need private lessons because we started school this year and I want to help my son feel more comfortable in Italian language environment. It would be better if lessons would be given at my …

Looking for a private Chemistry teacher in Montagnola

Hello private lesson teachers, I need some support with Chemistry. I need private lessons. At student's, at tutor's, online... all the option are possible for now. I'm looking forward to receive your message.

Math in Paradiso

Hallo Nachhilfelehrer, ich suche Unterstützung in Mathematik. Ich suche Privatstunden. Beim Schüler, oder beim Lehrer. Bist Du der ideale Lehrer für mich?

Nachhilfelehrer benötigt für Mathematik in Melano

Liebe Nachhilfelehrer, Ich suche Lektionen in: Mathematik. Ich würde individuelle Lektionen bevorzugen. Der Nachhilfelehrer sollte bei mir unterrichten. Bitte kontaktiert mich bei Interesse.

Mathematics private tutor needed in Montagnola

Dear tutors, I need lessons on: Mathematics to prepare the SAT exam: high school level math including Algebra, Problem Solving, Data Analysis and some advanced Math concepts like Geometry and basic Trigonometry. Axel has already the SAT prepare book …

Phisics private tutor needed in Lugano

Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for Phisics lessons. I need private lessons. At student's, at tutor's, online... all the option are possible for now. Please reach out if you are interested.

Looking for individual mathematics tutoring in Besazio

Hello everybody, I'm looking for a tutor for mathematics lessons. I need private lessons. It would be better if lessons would be given at my place. Please reach out if you are interested.

English private tutor needed in Lugano

Dear tutors, I need lessons on: English . I would prefer individual lessons. Lessons can be given online or at my place. I will be very happy to hear from you.

Lehrer für Gruppenunterricht (Ragazzina ) in Mendrisio

Liebe Nachhilfelehrer, Ich suche Lektionen in: Ragazzina . Ich bevorzuge Gruppenlektionen. Schön wäre es, wenn der Ort der Lektionen zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Bitte kontaktiert mich bei Interesse.

Looking for a shared Italian, German, mathematics, study skills teacher in Pregassona

Are you a Italian, German, mathematics, study skills private teacher? I need you. I have no preferences regarding group or individual lessons. The place where the lessons should be given is not decisive. I'm open to different options. Are you the id…

Suche Nachhilfe für Mathematik in Pregassona

Hallo Nachhilfelehrer, ich suche Unterstützung in Mathematik. Ich suche Privatstunden. Es wäre besser, wenn die Lektionen bei mir statt finden. Bist Du der ideale Lehrer für mich? Zögere nicht, mich zu kontaktieren.

Private tutte le materie tutoring needed in Savosa

buongiorno avrei bisogno un insegnate per mio figlio che venisse tutti i giorni se possibile per un ora e anche due dopo scuola per aiutarlo con i compiti

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Vous êtes étudiant ou étudiante et souhaitez proposer des cours d'appui dans votre région? Sur Tutor24 vous trouverez un vaste choix de profils de parents d’élèves à la recherche de profs de soutien pour leur enfant. Il vous suffit de créer votre profil d’enseignant et vous pourrez librement choisir les anonces qui vous intéressent. Faites votre choix parmi une multitude jobs pour étudiants et donnez des cours de soutien. Vous trouverez des demandes de parents d'élèves dans tous les cantons de la Suisse (Genève, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Jura, Berne/Bern, Zurich/Zürich, Lucerne/Luzern, Bâle-Ville/Basel-Stadt, Bâle-Campagne/Basel-Landschaft, Uri, Schwytz/Schwyz, Obwald/Obwalden, Nidwald/Nidwalden, Glaris/Glarus, Zoug/Zug, Soleure/Solothurn, Schaffhouse/Schaffhausen, Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures/Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures/Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Saint-Gall/St. Gallen, Grisons/Graubünden, Argovie/Aargau, Thurgovie/Thurgau, Tessin/Ticino) ainsi que dans les villes principales (Genève, Lausanne, Delémont, Sion, Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Bienne, Berne, Bâle, Aarau, Baden, Coire/Chur, Frauenfeld, Liestal, Lucerne, Rapperswil, Schaffhouse, Soleure, Saint-Gall, Thoune/Thun, Wil, Winterthour/Winterthur, Zoug/Zug ou Zurich/Zürich).