Informatik Nachhilfe individuell oder in Gruppe gesucht in Basel
4051 Basel
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After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Apply now
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Details about desired tutoring
Wished availability
Work will start
As soon as possible
Occasional - Aprox. 1.5 hours per assignment
Additional information
Detailed description
Hallo ich gehe neben meiner Arbeit einem Informatikstudium nach. Ich habe gehofft mit einem Nachhilfelehrer schnellere Fortschritte zeigen zu können. Mein Studium ist via Fernstudium der IU und handelt von dem Modulhandbuch das man online ansehen kann. Es ist ziemlich Java zentriert. Ich suche einen Nachhilfelehrer idealerweise in der Nähe von Basel/ Luzern.