
8006 Zürich
Matières: Chemistry, Mathematics, Spanish

Informations sur le type de cours proposés

Chemistry, Mathematics, Spanish
Niveau scolaire
  • École primaire
  • École secondaire
Type de cours
Cours individuel ou Cours en groupe
Lieu du cours
Chez l'élève, Chez l'enseignant et En ligne

Description personnelle

Hello! I am Youngseo Park and I am a first-generation Korean immigrant in Spain. Currently, I am reading MSc Chemistry at ETH Zürich. I have completed the Chemistry degree with eleven honors, specifically, in General Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Statistics and Numerical Calculus, Mathematics, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Computational Calculus and Applied Organic Chemistry. I finished the International Baccalaureate (IB) with a final score of 40 out of 45 with the highest grade in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Simultaneously, I did the LOMCE Baccalaureate (Spanish) obtaining honors in Mathematics and Chemistry as well as excellent results in the EvaU test, especially in science subjects. In addition, I got a Medal in the local Chemistry Olympiad of Madrid, as well as, in the "Chemistry, Environment and Intelligent Energy" contest of the Rey Juan Carlos University.

I have been teaching Mathematics and Chemistry (IB at all levels in English and Spanish, Spanish Baccalaureate and Secondary Education) for 7 years to secondary and high school students and the results in all cases were excellent, and they always got better results at the end of the course. Moreover, for the last two years and a half, I have been tutoring IB students Chemistry and Mathematics in the Think Ahead Academy.

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