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Nous avons trouvé 9 offres d'emploi pour vous.

Looking for individual Mathematics tutoring in Ettingen

Dear tutors, I need lessons on: Mathematics. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. I will be very happy to hear from you.

German private tutor needed in Aesch

Hello to all tutors, I'm looking for somebody who can give German lessons to my 5 and 8 years old son. We are portuguese and moved to Switzerland on late 2021. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. …

Besoin de prof de soutien individuel en Mathe à Laufon

Vous êtes prof de soutien en Mathe? J'aurais besoin de votre aide. J'ai besoin de cours particuliers. Idéalement, les cours devraient être donnés en ligne. Je me réjouis de recevoir votre message.

German lessons

I am looking for German lessons for my 10-year old daughter in 4th grade (Neumatt Schule Aesch) preferably online once or twice. She needs to switch from Swissdeutch to High german. The teacher needs to be strict, give homework. Are you the ideal tea…

Suche Nachhilfe für Matematica,tedesco in Birr

Hallo an alle Nachhilfelehrer, Ich suche jemanden, der mir Matematica,tedesco Lektionen geben kann. Ich würde individuelle Lektionen bevorzugen. Der Nachhilfelehrer sollte bei mir unterrichten. Ich freue mich auf Deine Nachricht.

French private tutor needed in Dornach

Are you a French private teacher? I need you. I would prefer individual lessons. Lessons can be given online or at my place. Are you the ideal teacher? Don't hesitate to contact me. 10th grade IB student in need of French tutoring. Speaks German a…

Private German including NMG, French tutoring needed in Aesch

Dear tutors, I need lessons on: German including NMG, French. I would prefer individual lessons. Tutor should come to our house and give lesson here. I will be very happy to hear from you.

Private Mathematics tutoring needed in Basel

Hi :) I am an AS Math student at Academia International School in Basel and truly in need of a math tutor. My only goal is to pass my exams next summer, even with the lowest grade possible. I would like to have a tutor who will go over the last cl…

I need a ib physics tutor for ib grade 11 and 12

I am doing the ib course from the international school of basel and the tuotor should have some experience with the ib course.

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