Hi I am student of physics, I finished my bachelor in 2024 and I am at the master. I achieved good grades during my studies and I will do a semester of my master in Tokyo university. I am very prone t…
Ich habe vor kurzem meinen Master in Physik an der Technischen Universität München abgeschlossen und fange im November an zu doktorieren. Neben meinem Studium habe ich Nachhilfe für Schüler/Schülerinn…
Ich bin Biologe mit 20Jahren Erfahrung aus der Akademie und Industrie. Ich bin als Projektleiter in der Krebsforschung tätig und beschäftige mich nebenberuflich mit Projekten über digitale Landwirtsch…

Ciao a tutti! Sono una ragazza che ha appena concluso il liceo e, grazie a questa esperienza, conosco bene le richieste e le difficoltà che i vostri docenti potrebbero presentare. Per questo motivo, …
Ciao a tutti, sono Martin. Avete problemi in Matematica, Biologia, Chimica e Fisica? Allora siete finiti sul profilo giusto per voi! Sono uno studente in Biotecnologie Molecolare e do ripetizioni p…
Schon seit 10 Jahren gebe ich erfolgreich Nachhilfe in Deutsch, Englisch und Italienisch und betreue meine SchülerInnen auch mit ihren Hausaufgaben. Mir ist wichtig, dass mit der Zeit eine Bindung zwi…
Ciao a tutti sono Laura. Da 16 anni aiuto bambini e ragazzi in varie materie. Solitamente impartisco lezioni private così da poter focalizzarmi sulla difficoltà specifica di ogni persona. Amo usare …
Ich bin Lehrer am Gymnasium, derzeit wohne ich in Luzern und arbeite in Lugano. Ich bin italienischer Staatsbürger und verfüge über die Aufenthaltsbewilligung C. Ich arbeite in Istituto Elvetico i…
I have taught several adults the use of different computer media. I regularly provide computer support (software and hardware) at the corporate level. I am enrolled in an American university (UoPeople…
Hello! I am Sallie, a native Canadian English speaker and CELTA-certified teacher based in Lugano, Switzerland, specializing in Business English and general English language skills. With over a decade…
Hello! I have been successfully tutoring students for 4 years. I specialize in teaching Chemistry and Biology. I have already completed my Master's and am pursuing a Ph.D. in Biochemistry now. I feel…
Hello , I have 20 years of experience in teaching English and Italian, state language exam in both languages. I taught at grammar schools, elementary schools, language schools, from first-grade st…
I'm currently finishing my last yeart in high school and this would my first time tutoring. I can help with English, basic maths, Italian, basic livello French and also help with reading and comprehe…
Hello everyone. I offer lessons for primary and middle school about all the subjects. I worked with a lot of students with special needs for 5 years. I can teach Italian to all the ages. Write me…
Hello, I offer English (up to the B2 level) and Italian lessons, learn at your own speed about grammar, reading comprehension, spelling and writing. Please contact me if you are interested or have any…

Mi chiamo Emilie e sono una studentessa, dopo le scuole medie ho conseguito i diplomi presso lo CSIA e come Operatrice socio sanitaria. Al momento mi piacerebbe occupare il mio tempo libero dando aiut…
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