
8004 Zürich
Matières: Italienisch, Geschichte, Geographie, Latein, Altgriechisch

Informations sur le type de cours proposés

Italienisch, Geschichte, Geographie, Latein, Altgriechisch
Niveau scolaire
Formation d'adultes
Type de cours
Cours individuel ou Cours en groupe
Lieu du cours
En ligne

Description personnelle

I am an archaeologist and during my professional path, I have gained several experiences in the academic environment. This groundwork has allowed me to interact with the educational atmosphere of the university and has allowed me to participate actively with the didactics and to take part in some academic teaching activities of my departments. I have taught for a few classes, several laboratories and I have trained students for their exam preparations. I was always glad to build a good, friendly, but also a respectful relationship with them, giving with pleasure bits of advice and supports during their educational journey.

Moreover, I have also a discrete experience (2007-2011) as a private teacher for Italian, Latin and ancient Greek. During these activities, I have enjoyed the experience of teaching and the enthusiasm to see how my teaching guide could help pupils to overcome their gaps and to achieve new goals.

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