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We found 34 profiles for you.


CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics, physics, French, English

I have been tutoring GCSE/A-Level math for a year, and besides this have proficient knowledge in GCSE subjects such as history, English, French, physics, chemistry, etc. What is crucial to me is unde…



CHF 50 / hour
Subjects: Geschichte, Philosophie, Deutsch, Englisch, Politik

Hallo! Brauchst Du Hilfe in den Fächern Geschichte, Philosophie, English oder Deutsch? Oder hast Du Probleme mit einer Maturaarbeit/Seminararbeit/Bachelorarbeit? Dann bist Du bei mir genau am richtige…


Edukate GmbH

CHF 60 / hour
Subjects: Französisch, French, Français

I am a certified French Teacher and a professional Translator. I give private French lessons mainly to secondary school students aged 12-18 (but there are primary students aged 9-11 too). I tutor chi…



CHF 50 / hour
Subjects: French, Französisch, Français, Allemand, German, Religion

Sure, here is the corrected version of your text: Dear Student or Parent, I offer online classes for FRENCH and GERMAN as foreign languages, covering grammar, pronunciation, writing, and more.…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics, German, French

Hello, dear students. I'm an experienced tutor offering support in various subjects including French, Latin, German, and Math. I've been tutoring since my high school days and have also helped element…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: Social Studies and the Social Sciences (History, Geography, Psychology, Economics, Social Anthropology), English, German, and French as a second language

I am offering tutoring services for anyone who needs help with any subject related to social studies and the social sciences. This includes History, Geography, Economics, Psychology, and Social Anthro…



CHF 40 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics, French, Computer Science

I am a master's student in computer science at ETH Zürich and I hold a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science. Want to improve in either of those fields? You found the right tutor! I a…



CHF 15 / hour
Subjects: Maths, French, English

Hello, I would love to help you or your kids around in school. I know it can get hard and stressful sometimes, because I’ve been through it. Throughout my school life I have been able to find many m…



CHF 25 / hour
Subjects: English, Spanish, Math, French, Business

Hello, I am Fabio, I speak 4 different languages and am fluent in all of them. I am a capable tutor in each of these languages, and my preferred language is English. I have been tutoring kids free of …



CHF 25 / hour
Subjects: mathematics, german, english,

As a student in the bilingual program of the Freies Gymnasium Zurich, I offer to teach two main languages English and German. Living abroad most of my life including Moscow and Singapore, I picked up …



Subjects: English, Arabic and French

I am an English teacher with enthusiasm for open opportunities in life .. I enjoy meeting new people and make friends. i also enjoy teaching others new languages and learn from them.



CHF 45 / hour
Subjects: mathematics, physics, French grammar

I taught for 2 years, maths and physics at Baccalaureate level. I also tutored students in these in these subjects.



CHF 40 / hour
Subjects: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Mathematik, Natur-Mensch-Gesellschaft

Als einfühlsame Person liebe ich es, Primarschüler/innen für die Hausaufgaben zu motivieren. Meine Stärke ist, wenig konzentrierte Kinder immer wieder auf die Aufgaben zurückzuführen. Die Schüler und …



CHF 40 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics

I spent 9 months teaching mathematics in a top tuition centre in Singapore, ranging from classes of 10-30 students from ages 13-18. On average, their grades improved by 3 ranks. Afterwards, I moved to…



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: French and Portuguese

Je suis une professeur expérimentée depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’aannées . Les études que j’ai fait en pédagogie et en psychologie ainsi que mon long et diversifié parcours professionnel me permetten…



CHF 50 / hour
Subjects: Deutsch, Mathematik, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch

Ich bin selber eine engagierte und motivierte Schülerin mit einem abgeschlossenen Sekundarabschluss. Momentan bin ich an meiner Matura dran. Meine Muttersprachen sind Spanisch und Deutsch, und ich bin…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: English, French

Hello, My name is Ivana and I am a Canadian female. I am a native English speaker as well as being fluent in French. I currently work as a private nanny for two children and am looking for addi…



CHF 45 / hour
Subjects: Instruments (Guitar and Bass), Math, English, French

Ich bin ein Student, der immer bereit ist, bei Bedarf meine Hilfe anzubieten. Ich bin sehr gut in Mathe, Musik, Französisch und Englisch. Auch meine Noten liegen zwischen 5 und 6. Ich bin ein unkompl…



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: Math, Physics, German, English, French, Chemistry, Biology, History

Hi my name is Ella and I am 17 years old. I live in the city of Zug and I am currently in the fifth year of the Kantonsschule Zug. In my free time I play tennis and do karate. I was raised bilingual (…



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: English, Ecology, Biology, Theatre, Maths and French.

My name is Caroline and I recently completed my postgraduate degree at the University College London (UCL). I have a variety of background knowledge and have traveled a lot. I graduated High School in…

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Looking for a private French tutor nearby? On Tutor 24, you will find a large selection of language tutors with qualified French teaching experience. Whether you are looking for help with the school homework, general exams preparation (primary school, secondary school, Realschule, Sekprüfung, Gymivorbereitung, Gymnasium, Gymprüfung, LAP, KV, BMS, Berufsmittelschule, Aufnahmeprüfungen, ETH, university) or for some special subjects tutoring, Tutor24 will help you find the right teaching for you. This in all cantons of Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Fribourg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Ticino, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Genève, and Jura) or in any of its main cities (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Berne, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Liestal, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sion, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug und Zurich).