
8222 Beringen
Fächer: English

Angaben zur angebotenen Nachhilfe

  • Primarschule
  • Sekundarstufe
  • Gymnasium
  • Berufslehre
  • Uni/FH
  • Erwachsenenbildung
Einzelunterricht oder Gruppenunterricht
Beim Schüler, Beim Lehrer und Online

Persönliche Beschreibung

I am an experienced English teacher and I am looking for a job in the area of Schaffhausen. In addition to having a Masters in English Philology, I also did Teaching English Specialization which enables me to work as a teacher with students of all ages.

During my studies I did teacher practice in primary, secondary and high schools and since then I have been passionate about teaching. I attended many courses on classroom games for learning, audio-visual aids and language projects.

I am enthusiastic about education and ways to make the process of learning most student-friendly. English is fun!

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