Clemens Tian Yang

4054 Basel
Fächer: German, Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Biology

Angaben zur angebotenen Nachhilfe

German, Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Biology
  • Primarschule
  • Gymnasium
Beim Schüler, Beim Lehrer und Online

Persönliche Beschreibung

I am an open-minded highschool student at the Gymnasium am Münsterplatz.

My hobbies are sports, scouts, jazz music and cooking.

I’m actively playing the piano in a jazz big band. I’m part of a scouts group in the role of a leader, where I’m still gaining great experiences in working with children from the age of 6 to 14. I appreciate when pupils are proactively asking questions and are motivated during the lessons. It fulfills me with joy when I see progress through motivation.

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