
8006 Zuerich
Fächer: Mathematics, Fransösisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Physik

Angaben zur angebotenen Nachhilfe

Mathematics, Fransösisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Physik
  • Primarschule
  • Sekundarstufe
  • Gymnasium
  • Berufslehre
  • Uni/FH
  • Erwachsenenbildung
Einzelunterricht oder Gruppenunterricht
Beim Schüler und Online

Persönliche Beschreibung

Experienced mathematical and scientific educational and mature professional coaching/mentoring

Dedicated personalised / small group programs, mentorship and support.

Professional assessment and private and sem-private tutoring in mathematics for students at high school and university level (such as ETH, University and Fachhochschule).

Effective and systematic preparation to follow courses and pass exams (specific lectures, matura, etc.).

Dedicated, effective, highly motivated teacher helping students to master key ideas and fundamental concepts, channelling their curiosity; nurturing critical thinking, rigour and scientific inquiry.

Empathic and result-oriented tutor and mentor to coach young students going through difficult phases at school (e.g. probation period) or at initial stages of their careers.

Assisting students in exam preparation, get on track, improve skills, increase confidence and advance their career.

Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), English and French (near native fluency), German (B1/B2).

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