Mathematik-Nachhilfe in Aigle gesucht? Jetzt finden

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Nachhilfe-Jobs in Aigle →
Wir haben 7 Profile für Sie gefunden.


CHF 50 / Stunde
Fächer: Early literacy, reading, maths, English, Spanish,

Hello! I have been teaching for 17 years in primary and middle school in California. I specialize in English as an additional language (children and adults), early literacy skills (such as phonics), c…



CHF 10 / Stunde
Fächer: English, math,sport

My diplom is mathematic and physic. I have a master degree in sport science and corrective exercise.



CHF 35 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics

Hello, I'm Luis, I have 35 years old and I'm a math's teacher. I have some years of tutoring experience. At the moment I have my own KUMON Learning center (maths and english) in Montreux and I'm doing…



CHF 50 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, Economics, French, Biology, Accounting, Finance, Entrepreneurship

I can help in Mathematics, Economics or French for Mandatory School. I can help in Accounting, Financial Analysis and Technology Business Values for Adults. I am offering a 25% discount for online t…



CHF 30 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, English

I am living in Bex of Vaud canton and looking for those students who need help in mathematics or need to progress their english speaking. Although I am not a native english speaker but I am properly c…



CHF 60 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, English, Statistics, Business and Management, Economics

I am an experienced teacher and university lecturer, having taught in international schools over the past 20 years. My favourite subjects are maths, statistics, economics, MS Office etc.



CHF 80 + / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, English

Qualified and experienced Primary school teacher with specialisms in Mathematics, English and supporting students with additional needs.

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Suchen Sie Privatlehrer für Mathematik-Nachhilfe in Ihrer Nähe? Bei Tutor24 finden Sie Ihre persönliche Lernunterstützung in Mathematik. Sei es für Hausaufgaben, allgemeine Prüfungsvorbereitung (Primarschule, Sekundarschule, Realschule, Sekprüfung, Gymivorbereitung, Gymnasium, LAP, KV, BMS, Berufsmittelschule, Aufnahmeprüfungen, ETH, Universität) oder bei sonstigem Nachhilfebedarf: Bei uns finden Sie passende Nachhilfelektionen, Stützunterricht und Lernhilfe in allen Kantonen der Schweiz (Zürich, Bern, Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Freiburg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Tessin, Waadt, Wallis, Neuenburg, Genf und Jura), sowie in den wichtigsten Städten (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Freiburg, Genf, Lausanne, Liestal, Luzern, Neuenburg, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sitten, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug oder Zürich).