Arrivato in ticino dopo quindici anni di soggiorno in Germania mi trovo a dover insegnare la lingua italiana a mia moglie e mia figlia. Ho un buon livello di comunicazione e posso aiutarvi a migliorar…
Biete Nachhilfeunterricht in Deutsch, Italienisch und Rechtswissenschaft an. Abgeschlossenes Jurastudium in Zürich. Zweisprachig (Deutsch-Italienisch). Erfahrung in Nachhilfeunterricht an Sekundarschü…
Hallo, meine Name ist Leila. Momentan befinde ich mich im dritten Jahr meiner Bachelor-Ausbildung. Mein Hauptstudium ist Angewandte Sprachen mit Multimodaler Kommunikation als Vertiefung. Meine erste…
Hallo, möchtest du deine Sprachkenntnisse auf das nächste Niveau bringen? Lerne Französisch/Englisch/Spanisch/Italienisch mit einem Polyglott! Mit meiner Erfahrungen als Nachhilfelehrer (2 Jahre u…
Hi! I've got a university degree in biology. I'm very patient and friendly and it's important to me that my student gets to understand the subject they want to learn with me.
Credo che le competenze e le abilità acquisite nel percorso accademico e nell'attività professionale, assieme alle mie attitudini personali e relazionali sviluppate negli anni possano essere di grande…
I would like to make children or adults enjoy learning languages and be successful in their exams and lives. Language is the door to people, cultures and - The World. I, being a mother of four, know h…
Ciao, Ho sempre avuto una grande passione per la matematica e se state cercando di migliorare il vostro livello in questa materia, bene posso darvi una mano, spero di sentirvi presto.
Hello, dear students. I offer English lessons for all school levels. Learn grammar, reading comprehension and spelling at your own speed. Or do you need help with essay writing? I look forward to hear…
In 46 years of international seatime, one of my tasks were tutoring kids and teens of owners and guests. I am keen in many subjects and adapt easily to different tasks. Transfer of knowledge is th…
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