School coaching for all study levels in Rehetobel

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CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Englisch für Kinder und Erwachsene

Englischkurse von Mortimer English Club bieten pure Freude am Lernen. Mehr als 300 Sprachschulen weltweit belegen den Erfolg unserer Sprachkurse für kleine und große Kinder, Schüler und Erwachsene. …



CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: German, English, French

- I have never tutored before. - I am pretty good in languages. I want to make learning languages easy and clear for everyone, even if some things are confusing. My goal is for every student to lea…



CHF 25 / hour
Subjects: Englisch, Spanisch, Gitarre, Mathe, Chemie, Biologie

English, french and/or Spanish tutoring. Being a native speaker for both english and spanish, I have studied in both North America and Spain, and have completed matura in switzerland, where I have al…



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics, English, Economics, Science

I have a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in Economics from Symbiosis School of Economics in India. I am currently enrolled in a graduate business program, SIM, at the University of St. Gallen i…



CHF 40 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Numerical analysis, Probability, Statistics, Topology, Cryptography, Machine Learning, AI), Software (C, C++, C#, Python, Matlab, HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Electronic (Analog, Digital, Microelectronics)

The two things that I most enjoy are learning and teaching. After a BSc and a Msc at the University of Pisa (major Electronic Engineering, minor Microelectronics), I have continued with a BSc at the U…


QAF & Partners/Owner

CHF 20 / hour
Subjects: Across disciplines

I have been successful in mentoring, coaching, and leading a project with group members across disciplines, and I believe that I have the appropriate knowledge, attributes, and level of expertise to p…



Subjects: Mathematics

As a experienced Math tutor for students in secondary school and IGCSE over six years. I successfully assisted students in understanding complex concepts and improving their grades. I have a master …



CHF 70 / hour
Subjects: Mathe.; RW (FIBU, BEBU, Invest.'rechnung, etc.); allg. BWL; Deutsch, Franz., Englisch (inkl. Vorbereitung Sprachdiplome B1-C2); Recht; Aufnahmeprüfungen Gymi., WMS/FMS/IMS/BMS, FHS, u.a.; Lern-/Arbeitstechniken; Mentalcoaching; Lektorat/Korrekturlesen

Privatunterricht & Coaching - professionell, nach Mass, macht Spass Hallo Es freut mich, dass du dich für meine Dienstleistungen interessierst. Als spezialisierter Privatlehrer/Coach begleite ich sei…



CHF 50 / hour
Subjects: Mathematics, Russian language

My name is Marina, and I am a teacher of Mathematics and Russian language. Need help with math? I am here to improve your math skills in a clearly planned, structured, and tailored manner, designed…



Subjects: FRANCAIS

- Coach en communication écrite et orale pour les examens depuis 12 ans à St. Gallen (Suisse) - Correction des examens de la Kanti à St - Gallen - Enseignante en langue française en cours privé et…



CHF 70 / hour
Subjects: Mathematik, Deutsch, Englisch, NMG, ERG, Sport

Brauchst du einen Coach, der dir Lernhilfe bietet? Ich habe unheimliche Freude daran, Wissen zu vermitteln und Lernfortschritte zu beobachten. Ich bin Primarlehrer mit Leib und Seele und vermittle Wis…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: Deutsch, Mathematik, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, NMG

angestammter Beruf: Sekretärin Weiterbildungen: Lerncoach, Gesundheitscoach geboren: 1964 Nationalität: Schweizerin Prioritätensetzung: Methodik, Ziel, Intensität werden individuell auf jede Perso…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: Mathematik, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, M&U, N&T, R&Z, Biologie, Geografie

Hallo, mein Name ist Aiyana und ich absolviere mein Studium zur Oberstufenlehrperson. Meine Familie und Freunde bezeichnen mich als eine hilfsbereite, zuverlässige, flexible, freundliche und geduldige…



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: Spanisch

Hello, my name is Angela, and I would be happy to teach you Spanish, my mother tongue. During my youth I have been an au pair for 4 years in different European countries and I have always taught with …



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: Inglés e Español

Hello! I am Marta and I am thrilled to apply for a Spanish or English teacher. I am a native Spanish teacher. With a strong background in teaching and a passion for languages, I am eager to share m…



CHF 50 / hour
Subjects: Mathematik, Französisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Latein, Lerncoach, Hausaufgabenbetreuung

Haben Sie bereits erfolgreich Nachhilfe gegeben? Ja, ich habe bereits erfolgreich Nachhilfe gegeben. Seit mehreren Jahren unterstütze ich Schülerinnen und Schüler unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen un…



CHF 35 / hour
Subjects: German, Mathematik, Englisch, Buchhaltung, Französisch

I speak german and english as well and I am a good coach



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: English

As an experienced English tutor with over a year of teaching under my belt, I have developed a passion for helping students of all ages and levels improve their language skills. Through my teaching ex…



CHF 30 / hour
Subjects: English

I will help you learn the English language in a fun and diverse way.



CHF 60 / hour
Subjects: Mathematik, Deutsch, Hausaufgaben, Lerncoaching

Lehrerin Malpädagogin Dipl.Kindercoach/Therapeut HPK Hallo liebe Kinder wir lernen mit Spiel, Spass und Bewegung. Ich unterstütze euch mit meinem vielseitigen Lerncoaching, stärke euer Selbstvert…

School coaching for all study levels in Rehetobel

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Looking for a school coach nearby? Psychologists, social pedagogues, educators, pedagogues, teachers and trained learning coaches: with Tutor24 you will find reliable and on your learning needs oriented school coaching. Your personal learncoach will help you to successfully overcome the learning pressure. You have lost the overview and the school programme is overwhelming you? Growing exam fears, organisational difficulties and the incapacity to remember what you learn have become an everyday struggle and an uncontrollable stress trigger? Don't let this situation turn into a nightmare. Get your personal learning support and bounce back! Maths (algebra and geometry) resp. mathematics, german, french, english, spanish, italian, latin, history, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, accounting, economics, law and more: On Tutor24, you will find a large selection of tutors and learncoaches for every subject and school level. Whether you are looking for help with the school homework, general exams preparation (primary school, secondary school, Realschule, Sekprüfung, Gymivorbereitung, Gymiprüfung, Gymnasium, LAP, KV, BMS, Berufsmittelschule, Aufnahmeprüfungen, ETH, university) or for some special subjects or language tutoring, Tutor24 will help you find the right learncoaching for you. This in all cantons of Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Fribourg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Ticino, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, Genève, and Jura) or in any of its main cities (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Berne, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Liestal, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sion, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug und Zurich).