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Wir haben 16 Profile für Sie gefunden.


CHF 20 / Stunde
Fächer: English

Hello, my name’s Nour and I would love to tutor any children in need of help with English. I grew up in an English speaking environment and attended a British system school. My qualifications are my I…



CHF 25 / Stunde
Fächer: Englisch

Als ich selbst noch Schülerin war, hatte ich Nachhilfe bekommen und versteh wie hilfreich es sein kann. Ich habe selbst Englisch an der Uni Bern studiert und mit einem Bachelor abgeschlossen. Ich habe…



CHF 25 / Stunde
Fächer: English, Sports, Self defence, Ice skating

I have been a coach in martial arts for 6 years as well as self defence i have instructed ice skating and English. All my studies were completed in England that inculdes all grades of school and I…



CHF 70 / Stunde
Fächer: CELTA qualified English Teacher/Trainer/Coach AND FRENCH TUTOR as a foreign language (Fully bilingual in both languages as Mother tongue)

I am a very experienced teacher/trainer/language coach, able to teach to children from age 4 as well as to adults without any limit of age, in one to one as well as in groups up to 14 in company or in…



CHF 35 / Stunde
Fächer: English, French, Maths, Sciences, Geography, sport etc

Hello everyone and thank you for visiting my profile. I offer a wide range of support for all age groups from children to adults. My expertise is teaching english, french and geography however I also …



CHF 50 / Stunde
Fächer: Deutsch, französisch

Ich arbeite seit 7 Jahren als Primarschullehrerin im Kanton Waadt. Ich spreche fließend Deutsch ( Muttersprache) und Französisch



CHF 20 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, Physics, English, Economics

Hello, I have graduated from University, obtaining a bachelors in Economics, late last year and I will be starting the army this summer. In the mean time I am looking for part time work, and I though…



CHF 40 / Stunde
Fächer: Français, Hist Géographique, anglais , Allemand débutant

Dynamique, disponible dès la rentrée 2024. En emploi le matin, j'aide au suivi scolaire depuis plus de 7 ans. Répétition des leçons, apprentissage de la lecture, préparation de test selon objectifs p…



CHF 35 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, English, French, Chemistry, Physics

As a tutor, I offer expertise in French language and have experience teaching children aged 4-10. Additionally, my background in pre-professional dance reflects my determination and commitment to exce…



CHF 25 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathématiques, Français, Anglais

Je suis actuellement en dernière année de collège à Genève (niveau gymnase). J’ai souvent aidé mes petits voisins à faire leurs devoirs d’école et je donne actuellement cours à un élève de primaire le…



CHF 65 / Stunde
Fächer: English, I.T. Computer Science, business English, technical English, exam preparation, programming

All English - comprehension, exam preparation, technical English, business English, literature and appreciation. With over 15 years exprience, take advantage of a native fine accented teacher. I prov…


Emunah Legacy Investments

CHF 40 / Stunde
Fächer: Economics, Entrepreneurship

My name is Thomas, l am an entrepreneur living in Gland in the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland. l am an experienced private tutor at Secondary school and University level Economics and Entrepreneurs…



CHF 60 / Stunde
Fächer: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

I am resident of Founex and I work as a PhD researcher in Astrophysics at the Geneva Observatory in Versoix. I have 2 years of teaching experience in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Leeds…



CHF 30 / Stunde
Fächer: Italiano

Buongiorno! I offer Italian lessons for all school level. I grew up in Ticino, Italian is my mother tongue. I have also taught English to French speaking people. As I have been acquainted to different…



CHF 30 / Stunde
Fächer: English ( Anglais), French ( Francais) for new immigrants,Formal communications and verbal presentations,Sociology, Development Studies, International political relations,Indian languages for Swiss-Indian tourism.

I teach English (for any level); French (Debutants) for new immigrants; Classical Arabic for those having a passion to learn grammatical rules of reciting and a few Indian languages( Hindi and others)…



CHF 80 + / Stunde
Fächer: English

Native English teacher with 10 years teaching experience. I offer total immersion lessons, personalised for each student depending on their needs. Hello, my name is Catherine and I am an English la…

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