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Wir haben 19 Profile für Sie gefunden.


CHF 50 / Stunde
Fächer: Allemand/German/Alemán/Tedesco/Deutsch

Hello! My name is Chris, and I offer private language lessons as a dedicated and experienced language teacher. Originally from Germany (fluent in Standard German), I am a highly capable, attentive, …



CHF 25 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, Physics, Sports Science, English, Business

I have completed the IB, where I obtained 44 points out of a possible 45, recieving the top grade in all 6 of my subjects including French, English, Mathematics, Sports Exercise and Health Science, Bu…



CHF 60 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathématiques, Français, Sciences, Anglais

Bonjour, je m'appelle Delphine. Je suis enseignante en enfantine/primaire. Je propose des cours particuliers à domicile pour l'aide aux devoirs, en français, mathématiques, anglais et sciences. Je pos…



Fächer: English ESL, English Literature, Science, Maths, Geography, History, SEN

I have 10 years experience teaching internationally. I can offer tutoring across your curriculum in areas ranging from English to Science. I have GCSE, IB, AP, SAT experience in schools in Europe and …



CHF 35 / Stunde
Fächer: English

I have experience in working with children of all ages, providing them with a unique learning experience. For younger children, I employ a "learn through play" approach, where all communication is con…



CHF 20 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Spanish, English, Biology, Python programming

I am an EPFL student which main objective is moreover teaching book contents, helping the student to learn how to learn using his own skills. I am a graduated Chemist with strong background of Natu…



CHF 30 / Stunde
Fächer: English, Economics, Business, Accounting, Biology

I have been tutoring some of the students at my university during my free time and I found it to be very interesting, as a student I was able to use techniques that are appealing to students and also …



CHF 20 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

Do you want a tutor that truly understands you as a student? Then I might just be the right fit for you. I am a student, as well as an experienced tutor that has taught students from all grades in upp…



CHF 40 / Stunde
Fächer: English, French, Mathematics, Economics and Law/ Français, Anglais, Mathématiques, Economie et Droit

Je suis fraichement diplômé de l'université de Cardiff au Pays-de-Galles en gestion d'entreprise et je vais entamer un master en finance et management à l'université d'Exeter en Angleterre en Septembr…



CHF 35 / Stunde
Fächer: English

Dear Students, I offer comprehensive English lessons tailored to students of all academic levels, encompassing essential skills such as grammar, reading, comprehension, and spelling. My expertise ext…



CHF 25 / Stunde
Fächer: English ,German

Dear sir madam: My name is Elva . I'm a university student studying finance in Lausanne. I have more time this semester to work. Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, for instance. If possible, pl…



CHF 30 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, Economics, English, Finance

Would you like to improve at Math, Economics, Finance or English? If so, you found the right tutor for you. I study Economics at the University of Geneva, and am more than ready to help you with any …



CHF 35 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathmatics, Physics

As someone who is passionate about learning, my primary aim is to nurture a similar enthusiasm for my students. As a recent Physics graduate, my teaching will offer insight into fresh and exciting sc…



Fächer: Mathematics, English, French.

Hello! I am a motivated and enthusiastic individual seeking a tutoring position to share my knowledge in mathematics, sciences, English, French, with primary and early secondary school students. While…


Eszter Jakab

CHF 50 / Stunde
Fächer: English

- Are you a complete beginner? - Do you want to speak English fluently and with confidence? - Do you need to improve your English for work or study purposes? - Do you struggle to understand movies…



CHF 45 / Stunde
Fächer: Français FLE et Anglais

Professeure privée Français FLE et Anglais et de langue maternelle française. Forte de nombreuses années d'expériences professionnelles dans l'enseignement, je sais m'adapter aux besoins de chacun. J'…



CHF 30 / Stunde
Fächer: German, Frensh, English

Dear Students, I offer German, French and English lessons for all school levels. Over the past two years, as part of my International Baccalaureate program, I was tutoring a very international group …



CHF 25 / Stunde
Fächer: Mathematics, English

Would you like to improve your mathematical skills? I'm happy to share my enthusiasm for numbers with you. You found the right tutor for algebra, geometry, statistics and physics!


Culturebox Sàrl

CHF 80 + / Stunde
Fächer: English, German

I am a teacher in a private kindergarten working in my last year in school, still very young at heart, dynamic and motivated to continue teaching. Languages have been my passion and teaching them is m…

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